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Antibiotics - Neotrim (Brand name: bactrim)

Bactrim is a synthetic antibacterial product used to treat ear infections, acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, urinary tract infections.
Availability: In Stock
Exp. Date: Approx. Oct 2026
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Other names of Bactrim:
ActrimAdrenolAlfatrimAltavitAnitrimApo-bactotrimApo-sulfatrimAssepiumAstrimAvlotrinBacinBacsulBactaBactekodBactelanBacterolBacticelBactiprontBactiverBactoprimBactraminBactricidBactricidaBactrimelBactrizolBactronBactropinBaktarBaktimolBaktonBalkatrinBalsoprimBasculBerlocidBetamBioprimBiotrimBiseptolBiseptrinBismoralBitrimBroncoflamBucktrygamaCadaprim-rCadiprimCanibioprimCasicotChemitrimChevi-trimCiplinClotrimazol alCo-sultrinCo-trimCo-trimoxazolCo-tryColizoleComoxCosatCotreichCotribeneCotrimCotrimolCotrimoxCotrimoxazolCotrimstadaCotripharmCotrixCotrizol-gCotsCozoleDaiphenDanferaneDeprimDhatrinDiatrim 24DientrinDiseptylDitrimDoctrimDosulfinDotrimDroxolDrylinEctaprimEditrimEliprimEpitrimErphatrimEsbesulEscoprimEusaprimExazolFeedmix tsFisatForcrimGantrisinGentrimGlobaxolGroprimGroseptolIfitrimIkaprimInfatrimInfectrimInfectrinIrgagenJasotrimKaftrimKanprimKemoprimKepinolKombitrimLagatrimLapikotLetusLicoprimaLinarisLupectrinMedibiotMegasetMegatrimMeprimMethotrinMethoxasolMetoprimMetoxiprimMetrimMomentolNavatrimNeosetNeotrimNetocurNopilNovidrineNovo-trimelNovotrimNoxaprimNu-cotrimoxNufaprimOctrimOmsatOnetrimOrganosolOribactOriprimOttoprimPehatrimPharex co-trimoxazolePlocanmadPolitrimPrimadexPrimazolPrimazolePrimotrenPrimsulfonPurbacQiftrimRegtinResprimRibatrimRoxtrimSanprimaSepmaxSeptraSeptranSeptrinServitrimShatrimSigaprimSinatrimSinersulSitrimSoltrimSpectremSuftrexSulbronSulfaSulfagrandSulfamethoxazolSulfamethoxazolumSulfametoxazolSulfaméthoxazoleSulfatalpinSulfatrimSulfoidSulfoprimaSulmetrimSulotrimSulphatrimSulphaxSulphytrimSulprimSultri-cSultrianSultrimSultrimaSumetoprinSumetrolimSunatrimSuprasulfSupremeSuprimSuprimassSutrimTabrolTagreminTerasul-fTerbosulfaTheraprimTmpsTrelibecTrifenTriforamTrima-kelTrimaxazoleTrimecorTrimesulfTrimesulfinTrimethazolTrimethoxTrimetogerTrimetoprim sulfaTrimexazolTrimexole-fTrimezolTrimidar-mTrimoksTrimolTrimosazolTrimosulTrimoxsulTrim sulfaTrimsulintTripurTrisolvatTrisulTrisulfTrisulfoseTrisulinTritenkTrizoleTwo-septolUriseptUrobactrimVanadylVanasulfWiatrimXepaprimYen kuangZaxolZoltrim
Bactrim 960mg
Per PillSavingsPrice
60 pills$0.86$51.41ADD TO CART
90 pills$0.74$10.49$77.11 $66.62ADD TO CART
120 pills$0.68$20.97$102.81 $81.84ADD TO CART
180 pills$0.62$41.95$154.23 $112.28ADD TO CART
270 pills$0.58$73.41$231.34 $157.93ADD TO CART
360 pills$0.57$104.87$308.45 $203.58ADD TO CART
Bactrim 480mg
Per PillSavingsPrice
90 pills$0.47$42.10ADD TO CART
120 pills$0.43$4.68$56.14 $51.46ADD TO CART
180 pills$0.39$14.03$84.21 $70.18ADD TO CART
270 pills$0.36$28.07$126.32 $98.25ADD TO CART
360 pills$0.35$42.10$168.42 $126.32ADD TO CART
  • Product Description

    Common use

    Bactrim consists of two medications: sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. The first inhibits synthesis of dihydrofolic acid (the substance important for human and bacterial metabolism) while the last blocks next stage of its biochemical cycle: formation of tetrahydrofolic acid which occurs only in microorganisms. This medication is effective against streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, bacillus dysentery, typhoid fever, E. coli, Proteus, and ineffective against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, spirochetes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Bactrim is applied in treatment of pneumonia and other diseases of respiratory, gastrointestinal systems, urogenital systems caused by bacterial infections which develop after surgery and others.

    Dosage and directions

    Bactrim can be taken two or three times a day with or without a meal. Dosage depends on the type and severity of infection. Take with a glass of water. Patients with severe kidney failure require correction of Bactrim dosage.


    Avoid exposure to sunlight or getting tanned. Antibiotic medicines can cause diarrhea, inform your doctor if you have it, it can mask other infection. Warn your doctor if you suffer from asthma or have severe kidney or liver disorders.


    Do not take Bactim if you are allergic to components of the medication, if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have anemia caused by folic acid deficiency. This medication should not be administered to premature babies and newborns.

    Possible side effect

    If you have such signs of allergic reaction as hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat or more serious signs of poor health as fever, sore throat, and headache with a severe blistering, pale skin, easy bruising or bleeding, diarrhea that is watery or bloody, hallucinations,slow heart rate, weak pulse, nausea, stomach pain, urinating less than usual or not at all then seek for immediate medical attention.

    Drug interaction

    Bactim should be co-administered with dofetilide or methenamine. Bactrim is able to change effects of certain anti-diabetic medications, "blood thinners", cyclosporine, digoxin, drugs which can increase potassium levels, live vaccines, tricyclic antidepressants, some "water pills" . So inform your doctor about all prescription and nonprescription/herbal products you may use.

    Missed dose

    Never take a double dose of this medication. If it is almost time of the next dose just skip the missed portion and continue to take the medicine according to the schedule.


    If you took too much of Bactim you may feel dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach pain, headache, yellowing of your skin or eyes, blood in your urine, fainting. In case of serious side effects seek for immediate medical help.


    Store at room temperature between 59-77 degrees F (15-25 degrees C) away from light and moisture, kids and pets.


    We provide only general information about medications which does not cover all directions, possible drug integrations, or precautions. Information on the site cannot be used for self-treatment and self-diagnosis. Any specific instructions for a particular patient should be agreed with your health care advisor or doctor in charge of the case. We disclaim reliability of this information and mistakes it could contain. We are not responsible for any direct, indirect, special or other indirect damage as a result of any use of the information on this site and also for consequences of self-treatment.

    Please find the full description of Bactrim at and general information at Wikipedia

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